Why Is It Safe to Sousvide Beef at 135 for 48 Hours

Table of Contents:

A: Sous Vide Cooking Process

As with whatever food process, sous vide requires specified food handling practices to prevent, eliminate, or reduce the food biological, chemical, and physical hazards to a safe level.

Iii important aspects crave additional attention:

  • When nutrient is vacuum packed Vacuum-packaged food creates an anaerobic (oxygen-costless) or reduced oxygen environment. With improper food handling, some of the almost dangerous leaner can grow, such as salmonella and botulism. Safety food handling and hygiene standards should e'er be maintained.
  • Nutrient cooked at low temperatures for extended periods of time can cause bacteria to multiply rapidly. The longer food is in the "danger zone" — temperatures betwixt 40°F and 140°F (iv.4°C to 60°C) — the faster bacteria can multiply and the more dangerous they can get.
  • When nutrient in pouch has finished the required cooking time, it has to be removed and served immediately, or rapidly chilled. Cooling must be less than vi hours from 130 to 41ºF.

Advisedly read and incorporate these detailed guidelines into your cooking method to clinch safety in each footstep.
Prerequisites to food training.

  • Make sure that the fridge is 41ºF or colder.  The colder the refrigerator, the slower the spoilage of ingredients.
  • Get an authentic digital food thermometer to check the temperature of the raw and cooked food to assure that it reached a desired end point.
  • Go the plastic pouches that the food will exist packaged in.  Make certain that they are not contaminated.
  • Use detergent,  warm water, launder ,  and rinse the nutrient contact surfaces.  Sanitize the surfaces with a solution of i teaspoon chlorine bleach per gallon of water to foreclose cross-contamination.
  • Exist certain to split up the raw ingredient grooming area from the finished product expanse, or launder, rinse, and sanitize a surface when changing from raw preparation to finished nutrient.

Sous vide processing.

  • The basic steps of the sous vide process are shown in the following flow chart. Details to each step are provided below the flow chart.
Prepare the work area. Put away unnecessary objects.  Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces, and store chemicals so that they cannot contaminate the food.

Go fresh ingredients.  Sous vide cannot brand spoiled ingredients taste good. It amplifies the flavors and should only be practical to the freshest ingredients.

Trim, cut, and gear up ingredients.  Retrieve, the thicker the protein ingredient, the longer information technology takes to come up to its cooking temperature. Less than ii inch thickness is a practical maximum thickness.  Weigh additives carefully. Safe cook times tin be calculated in PolyScience iPhone/iPad app "Sous Vide Toolbox"

Bundle / vacuum seal. The purpose of the vacuum is to pull the plastic pouch film tight to the food for proficient heat transfer.  Check the seal.

Melt / pasteurize.  Reduce vegetative pathogens such asSalmonella 5 log (100,000 to ane).  Cooking / pasteurization begins about 130ºF.

Agree at cooking temperature until desired degree of doneness is achieved.

Absurd fast plenty to prevent the outgrowth of spores.

Cold hold meat, poultry, and vegetables at 41ºF to prevent the outgrowth of spores and slow growth of spoilage organisms.

Warm (reheating) and serve.

Set Upward Sous Vide Professional person and Water Bath

  • Clamp Sous Vide Professional to a stockpot or any other vessel. Fill with water up to maximum level, indicated on Sous Vide Professional person.
  • To guarantee precise temperature command, refer to user manual for maximum water volume. For case the Sous Vide Professional CHEF Series has a maximum of 7 gallons or 20 8 liters of h2o. A 2d Sous Vide Professional may be required to maintain the level of precise temperature control with larger volumes.
  • Set the Sous Vide Professional person to desired temperature. Embrace bath with lid or plastic wrap for efficient heat-up fourth dimension and to avoid evaporation.

Become fresh ingredients; Trim, cutting, and prepare ingredients.

  • One must start with very fresh ingredients in order to clinch that off-flavors from spoilage are minimal and are non amplified in the cooking method.  Also, by focusing on freshness, it volition assure lower spoilage bacteria counts at the outset of refrigerated storage so that the finished product will accept a longer refrigerated shelf life.
  • It is safer if you lot use solid, not footing or punctured, pieces of meat, poultry, or fish.  When it is punctured, it becomes critical that, not but the surface, but the center of the food get hot enough for long plenty to be pasteurized.
  • Since cooking is done in a plastic pouch, there is no loss of flavor volatiles in sous vide cooking.

Parcel / vacuum seal.

  • The vacuum is non for flavor.  It is to have a skilful heat transfer between the water bath and the surface of the food.
  • Assure that nutrient-grade quality plastic pouches that have not become contaminated in storage are used; 2-iii ml plastic is acceptable. If zip-loc type bags are used, assure that they are rut-safe to the temperatures yous will be cooking at.
  • Brand sure nutrient is refrigerated at 38°F (3.3°C) or beneath until set up to seal.
  • To ensure precise and even cooking, adapt pieces of food in the plastic bag in a single layer.
  • Cheque vacuum handbag for proper seal earlier cooking.
  • Every bit bags are sealed, check to be sure that there was no crease in the plastic and that the seal is uniform with an even fusing from ane side to the other.
  • Afterward sealing, immediately melt or air-condition food at 38°F (3.3°C) or below until ready to cook (see storing tips on the following page).

Cook / pasteurize.

  • Insert vacuum-sealed bag only when bath has reached correct temperature.
  • Follow time and temperatures guidelines and consider increasing cooking time if food has a larger diameter than specified in the recipe.
  • Cooking time increases by a factor of virtually 4 times per extra inch. If you only double the fourth dimension per inch, it will be unsafe!
  • In case you are not able to remove all the air due to limitations of your vacuum sealer, you lot can weigh down the pouch with a heavy porcelain plate to ensure information technology is fully submerged. This is important to ensure safe cooking results.
  • If you cook more than one vacuum bag, make certain they are not too close to each other.
  • Brand sure to concord the pouch nether the h2o and then that it is fully cooked.  Food safety times and temperatures are based on center temperatures of the food.
  • Check temperature and sealed vacuum bag oftentimes during cooking procedure. A bag that suddenly begins to float, inflate, or leak is a sign of food-condom issues. Discard food and clean tank and Sous Vide Professional.
  • If during cooking in the water bath, the bag balloons and floats to the surface, a seal has failed, or the temperature is as well hot and steam has formed in the parcel, or there is a pinhole.  The package must be thrown away, because yous do not know if there was adequate rut transfer and pasteurization was constructive.
  • Always measure out the internal temperature of foods earlier serving. You can re-seal a pouch and continue cooking if necessary.
  • If you are making more than one pouch, a very smart thing to do is to sample the first pouch removed from cooking.  Take your digital thermometer and verify the middle temperature of the food.  Also sample the flavour of the product.  If it needs more cooking, y'all can reseal the pouch and proceed to melt.
  • If y'all are cooking fish to a temperature of less than 130ºF, there are parasite and vegetative pathogen risks.  Undercooked fish should take been frozen at -4ºF for 7 days to assure the destruction of the parasite, and the customer should exist informed that undercooked food has some illness take a chance.

There will exist ii main biological hazards in the meat, poultry, fish, vegetables or fruit that are cooked sous vide.

The first hazard is vegetative pathogens, and the regulatory target isSalmonella.  The goal is to cook the nutrient in the pouch to a fourth dimension and temperature to reduceSalmonella 100,000-to-i.  This will reduce theSalmonella from a maximum of 1,000 per gram in the raw food to one per 100 grams in the finished nutrient.Salmonella is used as the target organism, because it has been, and continues to be, a major cause of illness and kills an estimated 500 people each year.

The government-specified times and temperatures for this pasteurization are:

Heart temperature

Agree fourth dimension


112 minutes


eleven minutes


ane minute


v seconds


instant (less than 1 second)

The second biological hazard mutual to the ingredients from the water and state farms are the spores,Clostridium botulinum [proteolytic (meat, poultry) and non-proteolytic (fish, seafood)],Bacillus cereus (cereal products), andClostridium perfringens (meat, poultry, lentils).

When the food is pasteurized,Salmonella is reduced to an Appropriate Level of Protection (ALOP), but pasteurization temperatures have no impale effect on the spores.  Pasteurization just activates the spore.

It'southward a rule-of-thumb that if you melt beneath 130°F (54.4°C) there is an increased risk for vegetative pathogen and parasite evolution. However, food safe depends on a combination of temperature, time, pH level and the freshness of the ingredients. Extended cooking time pasteurizes nutrient and reduces potential Salmonella to an appropriate level.


  • Later on the nutrient is pasteurized, if the food is hotter than 130ºF, the spores cannot germinate and multiply, regardless of time.
  • One can hold / tenderize for 24 to 48 hours safely.  This is likewise a major feature of sous vide.
  • If the cooking temperature is 130 to 150ºF, there is an boosted benefit.  The enzymes are very active, and the meat becomes very tender.


  • At this point, the spore is activated (pasteurization has no kill result on spores, it activates spores); then, cooling becomes a critical control process.
  • The target spore for cooling isClostridium perfringens.  Information technology must exist controlled so that there is less than ane to x increase in population during cooling.
  • To assure prophylactic, cooling must be less than 6 hours from 130 to 41ºF.  This is hands done for virtually sous vide products if they are less than 2 inches thick in an proper ice bath.
  • The recommendation for a proper ice bath is: ratio of 1lb ice to 1lb product, topped off with common cold tap water. Agitation will increase the effect of a rapid arctic process.
  • Information technology limits roasts to nigh 5 pounds.  After the cooling to 41ºF,C. perfringens cannot multiply, and the target spore for storage isBacillus cereus for all food except fish.  Holding at 41ºF controlsB. cereus.
  • For cooked fish, there is a critical limit of 37.4ºF to prevent the non-proteolyticC. botulinum on the fish from growing.  If cooked fish is to be stored after cooling, it should be frozen or held in ice at less than 37.4ºF, or served inside seven days if held at 41ºF.

Cold hold.

  • Before storing, label vacuum-sealed bags with expiration engagement and contents.
  • For practical purposes, if the preceding instructions are followed there is probably no significant reason to hold sous vide product for more than than 7 days.
  • If the recipe includes inhibitors, such every bit salt or acerbity, food can be stored up to 45 days, as long as temperature is meat and poultry is 41ºF or colder, or fish and seafood is less than 37.4F (3.0ºC).
  • Merely spores or some surviving spoilage organisms can multiply, and temperature is the critical command.

Warm (reheating) and serve.

  • Reheating is not for prophylactic; it is a quality gene to meet consumer desires.
  • The food is safe if the preceding instructions are followed, and the food can exist eaten common cold from the pouch or removed from the pouch and browned and heated to suit the consumer.
  • When reheating cooked food, simply bring water bath back to desired serving temperature and apply time needed for core to achieve temperature.
  • E'er measure the internal temperature of foods before serving. Y'all can re-seal a pouch and keep cooking if necessary.
  • If reheated in the bag, consider that spores or some surviving spoilage organisms tin can multiply. Temperature is the critical control.
  • A major safe advantage of sous vide is that it was pasteurized in the package, so there is no adventure of contamination of the product by vegetative pathogens in storage afterwards cooling.
  • Frozen, cooked foods must thaw under refrigeration (41°F or below) and reheated upon consummate thaw, prior to consumption.


B: Highly Susceptible Audience

Children, elderly and expectant mothers and those with compromised allowed systems should non consume raw or undercooked foods.

Many temperatures listed on this website (world wide web.polyscienceculinary.com) and within PolyScience Sous Vide Professional™ literature, manuals, applications and marketing include "threshold temperatures," which are considered to be at the low end of FDA required cooking temperatures.

Anyone in these audiences should cook all recipes listed on this website or within PolyScience Sous Vide Professional person™ literature, manuals, applications and marketing 2°C/4°F higher than listed in the recipe and for 5% more time (Calculator) to ensure proper cooking temperatures and pathogenic reduction. For further information of accepted safe cooking temperatures, please visit www.FDA.gov

C: Further Resources

  • FDA Food regulatory criteria for sous vide on www.fda.gov or specifically http://world wide web.fda.gov/Food/FoodSafety/RetailFoodProtection/FoodCode/FoodCode2009/ucm186451.htm#part3-5
  • Comprehensive temperature guidance and pathogenic log reduction tin exist safely calculated with the PolyScience Sous Vide Toolbox™ application for Apple iOS.


Source: https://polyscienceculinary.com/blogs/news/17215983-food-safety-with-sous-vide-cooking

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